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Event Sponsors


Tier 1 Sponsor (Table Sponsor) - $5,000 


  • Branded table at September Serenade
  • 10 tickets to September Serenade
  • Logo prominently featured in program
  • Logo prominently featured on LCD displays throughout the event
  • Recognition from the stage by musicians and hosts
  • Inclusion in all pre-event marketing emails and thank you emails as sponsor
  • Logo on this registration page and in newsletter through September 2024


Tier 2 Sponsor - $2,500


  • 4 tickets to September Serenade
  • Logo prominently featured in program
  • Logo prominently featured on LCD displays throughout event
  • Logo on this registration page and in newsletter through September 2024


Tier 3 Sponsor - $1,000


  • 2 tickets to September Serenade
  • Logo prominently featured in program
  • Logo prominently displayed on LCD displays throughout event
  • Logo on this registration page and in newsletter through September 2024


This form only accepts credit card payments. If you need to submit payment for your sponsorship via check, please contact Brooke at bspiegel@capesymphony.org to receive an invoice.


After receiving payment for your sponsorship, you will receive a link from one of our staff members. You can easily send this link out to everyone you would like to invite to use your included tickets. All attendees must complete this pre-registration form prior to attending the event. 

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Tier 1 Event Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

Tier 2 Event Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

Tier 3 Event Sponsor (2 included) $0.00
I authorize Cape Arts & Entertainment, Inc. to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2024 September Serenade. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you to our sponsors!